
On top of urgent alerts aimed at documenting situations of harassment and mobilising influential actors, the Observatory regularly publishes reports outlining the working context of defenders, individual cases of repression, as well as recommendations that are used for advocacy purposes. Overall, the Observatory is active in over 60 countries every year, on all the continents.

Turkey: Joint trial observation report
Case of Eren Keskin and Güllistan Yarkın

A report of the Observatory and OIAD

RDC : Désillusion et inquiétude pour les défenseur·es des droits humains et la société civile

Un rapport de l’Observatoire, du Groupe Lotus, l’Alliance Universelle pour les Droits Fondamentaux, la Ligue des Electeurs, l’Association Africaine de Défense des Droits de l’Homme

Turkey: First hearing in latest trial against Saturday Mothers/People

A report of the Observatory and OIAD

Silenced Voices
Attacks Against Civil Society and Human Rights Defenders in Mozambique

A report of the Observatory and RMDDH

“Uncertain and Eerie”
Closure Cases Against Associations in Turkey

A report of the Observatory, IHD and HRFT

Suppression of the Right to Defend Human Rights in Belarus:
Policy and Legislative Changes
in 2021-2023

Injustice Unveiled
The trial against Viasna activists in Belarus : the case of Ales Bialiatski, Valiantsin Stefanovic, Uladzimir Labkovich

Human rights defenders and Covid-19
The impact of the pandemic on human rights defenders and their work

Drowned in Procedure, sentenced to fail: Administrative harassment against civil society in Turkey – Part III

A report of the Observatory and IHD

Briding Brazilian Governance Gaps:
Levaraging environmental and human rights reform via the OECD accession process

A report of the Observatory, OECD Watch and Conectas

Nicaragua: Las nuevas leyes de la represión

A report of the Observatory and CENIDH

Open season on solidarity

Target Locked

The Unrelenting Israeli Smear Campaigns to Discredit Human Rights Groups in Israel, Palestine, and the Syrian Golan

“Enemigos Internos” : Defender derechos humanos en el contexto de la pandemia COVID-19

A report of the Observatory, COFAVIC and Vicaría de Caracas para los Derechos Humanos

Una deuda sin salidar

A report of the Observatory and UDEFEGUA

A perpetual emergency: Attacks on freedom of assembly in Turkey and repercussions for civil society

A report of the Observatory and IHD

Down, but not out – Repression of human rights defenders in Cambodia

“Enemigos Internos”: La defensa de derechos humanos bajo ataque

A report by the Observatory, COFAVIC, CDJ and Vicaría de Caracas para los Derechos Humanos

Annual reports of the Observatory

To find out more about the situation of defenders in a particular country, please click on the map or the country section.

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